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11:00 am – 7:00 pm


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8:00 am – 2:00 pm (Alternate)



First Dental Health (And Then Coffee)

Mar 12, 2023

Can you maintain healthy teeth while drinking coffee? Is an extra dental check-up necessary? Learn about coffee's impact on oral health.

The Impacts of Coffee on dental health

Coffee can impact dental health in various ways. On a purely aesthetic level, coffee contains a polyphenol called tannins (also a component in wine). In the presence of water, tannins break down and cause the color compounds to stick to your teeth. When the compounds adhere to your enamel, they cause a yellow discoloration to your teeth.

Coffee can contribute to cavities and gum disease, especially when combined with sugar and flavored additives like creamers. Sugar consumption promotes acid production by harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to enamel erosion and cavities. The more sugar you consume, the higher the risk to your dental health.

Coffee, with its high pH level, can lead to enamel erosion. Enamel, which lacks living cells, cannot regenerate once damaged. Continuous consumption of coffee throughout the day without breaks exposes teeth to a constant acid onslaught, wearing down the enamel and increasing the risk of cavities.

Is it all bad?

The great news is new research has been published stating coffee may have a protective effect on periodontal disease. The study found a minor statistical significance, only reported in men.

In another study, drinking strong, black coffee could keep your teeth clean and plaque-free. It stated that the high caffeine content found in coffee actually destroys harmful bacteria that cause dental plaque.

Lessen the impact of coffee on dental health.

If you’ve decided to continue to drink your cup of joe despite its effects on your teeth, you can lessen its impact.

If you sip on coffee throughout the day, drink water alongside it. The water helps flush the acid and harmful bacteria down, preventing it from sticking.

If you drink sugary coffee drinks, rinsing your mouth with water afterward is good practice, or wait half an hour after consumption and brush your teeth.

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Glendale Heights Family Dentistry offers comprehensive dental services for all ages. Trust us as your go-to family dentist in Glendale Heights.

1177 Bloomingdale Rd Suite B,

Glendale Heights, IL 60139




Glendale Heights Family Dentistry offers comprehensive dental services for all ages. Trust us as your go-to family dentist in Glendale Heights.

1177 Bloomingdale Rd Suite B,

Glendale Heights, IL 60139

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